A Season for Sharing and Reflection
It’s been a long year! We have truly appreciated the collaboration between our team, clients and colleagues throughout 2021. We have continued to partner throughout yet another year of the pandemic and looking back we believe our relationships have strengthened. As we head into the New Year, we thought it would be fun to share some of the highlights of the content created during the last twelve months. So, enjoy a laugh, learn which trends still hold true for 2022 and please join us in supporting Season for Sharing.
January 2021: The Funniest Zoom Fails of 2020
Who can forget #PoorJennifer taking a bathroom break in the middle of her Zoom call or people accidentally turning themselves into potatoes? Read our funniest Zoom fails of 2020.

February 2021: Successes in 2020: Video is the New Voice.
Throughout the year, LMI360 embraced digital storytelling opportunities. Our goal? Keep our clients connected and engaged with their audiences in the new “digital-only” world. Read more.

March 2021: 3 Trends in the “Next Normal”: How to Make Your Virtual Events Awesome
Virtual and hybrid events allow for higher attendance and more participation. That means lower costs and a higher ROI. Get creative and have a little fun engaging with audiences in new ways. Read more.

May 2021: Tradeshows Cancelled? Use LinkedIn to Your Advantage
Is there is a way you can connect with companies and colleagues without seeing them in person? YES! Finding the right person to connect with is, literally, at your fingertips! Read LinkedIn networking tips.

July 2021: Are You Overcomplicating Your Digital Marketing Strategy?
Are you spending lots of time or money (or both) and not getting the results you want? In this blog, we share a few of the ways you might be overcomplicating your digital marketing.

September 2021: LMI360 New Website & Rebrand
Have you heard the old proverb about the busy cobbler’s children wearing old shoes? Well, this year, we made new shoes! This fall, our creative team turned their attention to LMI’s digital footprint for a website rebrand. Now that you’re here, what do you think of the new website? We’d love to hear from you!

April 2021: Avoid Remote Worker Burnout with These Management Tips
Between remote work, economic uncertainty and job responsibility changes, new factors affecting mental health and higher stress levels are hitting us at an all-time high. Avoid remote burnout with these tips.

June 2021: Business Development vs. Marketing: What Is It
What’s the difference between Business Development and Marketing? And what’s right for your company? Learn how together these roles can help your company stand out from the crowd. Learn more.

August 2021: Big on Ideas, Short on Time: Inspiring Thought Leadership
From curating with conviction to fueling your team storytelling, LMI360 shares four time-effective strategies to empower your leadership and promote the power of your business.

October/November 2021: Live Networking! IFMA’s World Workplace, InfoComm and ISSA Show North America
From Orlando to Las Vegas, the LMI team participated in some of our favorite annual conferences and tradeshows to learn about the latest facility industry trends, including IFMA World Workplace 2021, InfoComm and ISSA Show – North America.

December 2021: Please Join Us in Supporting Season for Sharing
As it enters its 28th year, Season for Sharing has raised and given away more than $70 million. Last year, $2.1 million was shared by 176 charities.
Right now, needs are great and resources are few. We are so fortunate to have the kind of support Season for Sharing provides for our local Arizona communities. LMI360 is proud that we can help make an impact through our support. If you’d like to join LMI360 in donating to Season for Sharing, here’s how you can help:
- CLICK HERE to donate using the online donation form.
- Text “SHARING” to 91-999 and click on the link in the text message.
- Go to facebook.com/seasonforsharing and look for “DONATE HERE.”
As always, may you be kind to one another and celebrate the spirit of the season.